No matter how challenging the terrain, we never give up!
At the annual Clean-Up Day, we trade silk gloves for rubber ones, armed with grabbers and trash bags.
Because we all like to party and enjoy the sunny days by the lake or river.
Sadly, a lot of litter is often left behind.
That’s why we take this opportunity to clean up the beautiful banks of the Limmat, right on our doorstep, collecting both large and small pieces of trash.
And there are always some surprising finds …
There are plenty of ways to dispose of your trash after a lunch or BBQ without dumping it in nature. Yet, littering continues to rise. It’s a growing habit to thoughtlessly throw or leave waste in public spaces. The consequences, aside from the visual nuisance, are mainly a burden on the environment and nature. Whether it’s curious dogs eating cigarette butts or cows chewing on empty drink bottles in the pasture, all of this could be easily avoided..
The IGSU (Interest Group for a Clean Environment) was founded in 2007 and has been campaigning against littering ever since. In addition to the annual Clean-Up Day, the organization also holds workshops in schools to raise awareness among young consumers. Moreover, they train IGSU ambassadors who point out the littering problem in public spaces.
Since we are constantly dealing with environmental issues in our daily work, it’s a great opportunity to roll up our sleeves once a year and take action outdoors, right on-site. In the groups, interesting discussions always arise, whether about the items we find, environmental topics in general, or other subjects. There is now an unofficial competition among us to see who can collect the biggest or most unique find.
This «mechanical calculator» won two years ago. A floor lamp last year. All under the motto: «With us, you can count, even when you’re almost ready to shut down while collecting.»
Environmental protection has been important to us since bb trading was founded. For over 20 years, we’ve been distributing our promotional products in the most environmentally conscious way possible.
Learn more about our sustainability initiatives here:
Since 2017, we have been offsetting the CO₂ emissions of our promotional products
With eco-friendly business practices, we keep our impact on the climate to a minimum